The Mickey Mouse Club is an
American variety television show that aired intermittently from 1955 to 1996 and returned in 2017 to social media. Created by
Walt Disney and produced by
Walt Disney Productions, the program was first televised for four seasons, from 1955 to 1959, by
ABC. This original run featured a regular but ever-changing cast of mostly teen performers. ABC broadcast reruns weekday afternoons during the 1958–1959 season, airing right after
American Bandstand. The show was revived three times after its initial 1955–1959 run on ABC, first from 1977–1979 for
first-run syndication as
The New Mickey Mouse Club, then from 1989–1996 as
The All-New Mickey Mouse Club (also known to fans as
MMC from 1993–1996) airing exclusively on
cable television's
The Disney Channel, and again in 2017 with the moniker
Club Mickey Mouse airing exclusively on internet social media.
Mickey Mouse himself appeared in every show not only in vintage cartoons originally made for theatrical release but in opening, interstitial, and closing segments made especially for the show. In both the vintage cartoons and new animated segments, Mickey was voiced by his creator
Walt Disney. (Disney had previously voiced the character theatrically from 1928 to 1947 before being replaced by
sound effects artist
Jimmy MacDonald.)