Herbert Original and Limited Edition Art
Herbert is an elderly pederast, who resides just down the street from the Griffin family and distributes popsicles to small children in his basement. He has a particular interest in Chris; in the episode "Play It Again, Brian", Chris finally realizes this and asks Herbert, "Are you a pedophile?", to no onscreen answer. Also, in "Spies Reminiscent of Us", Stewie refers to a "pedophile who lives down the street" against whom nobody is taking any action "because he's so funny", clearly talking about Herbert. He has a dog named Jesse, who is also very old and is unable to use his hind legs. He has a high-pitched, very soft effeminate voice and pronounces sibilant consonants with a high-pitched whistle. Herbert is often seen wearing a light blue robe and slippers, walks with a walker and frequently makes inappropriate, sexually tinged comments to teenage boys (in "Road to the North Pole", Herbert wants a little drummer boy for Christmas, while staring at a poster of Nick Jonas). It is revealed later on that he is the eldest member of the Skull and Bones secret society. He was also a corporal in the United States Army and a POW during World War II. Herbert plays Obi-Wan Kenobi in the "Blue Harvest", "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" and "It's a Trap!" episodes.
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